Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Eye-Care LED Desk Lamp

Eye-Care LED Desk Lamp
by Twotwowin

Picture this. I am sitting, surrounded by a table lamp to my right and a light behind me and I still cannot make out the very minute details of the paint by number kit I am working on. Now I have to supplement that somewhat less than enough light with the flashlight from my cell phone. Yesterday, my Eye-Care LED Desk Lamp showed up. I took it out of the box and it was already charged and ready for my use. It comes with two USB charging cords of different lengths. I set it on my work table and I can see so much better with it there that I was immediately inspired to work on my painting again. Then I started adjusting it all over the desktop as needed so it was all contorted but working so splendidly. I LOVE THIS LAMP! It's fantastic, it's flexible, it's portable, it's easy to use. All my thumbs up!

I received this product at a discount for my fair and honest review. And it is fabulous!