Sunday, March 19, 2017

Vorfreude Cardiology Stethoscope

Vorfreude Cardiology Stethoscope

This is an extremely high quality stethoscope and will be a welcome addition to any diagnostician's tool kit. My daughter and I have several four-legged patients that we have found this tool to be particularly of great use. It works great on two-leggeds and four-leggeds alike.

It comes with a replacement diaphragm which is a big deal and it also has a classic pupil pen light as well as a couple of pairs of replacement ear tips. It even has a nameplate to personalize and identify your particular stethoscope.

While I am not a professional I was very impressed with the professional quality of this tool. I did received this item at a discount or free for my fair and honest review.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Magnetic Dry Erase Calendar, Monthly Refrigerator Calendar, 4 Colored Magnetic Markers 1 Magnetic Eraser

Magnetic Dry Erase Calendar, Monthly Refrigerator Calendar, 4 Colored Magnetic Markers 1 Magnetic Eraser 

A lot of times with these magnetic dry erase boards and markers, you find the marker doesn't write smoothly or the calendar is difficult to erase. I like how well the markers work on this board and erasing marks is a breeze. And it's super convenient to have this entire set be magnetic. It makes it easy to keep everything all together and less likely you will lose any of the parts. This is one of the best magnetic dry erase calendar sets I have used. 

I received this set at a discount for my fair and honest review.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Eye-Care LED Desk Lamp

Eye-Care LED Desk Lamp
by Twotwowin

Picture this. I am sitting, surrounded by a table lamp to my right and a light behind me and I still cannot make out the very minute details of the paint by number kit I am working on. Now I have to supplement that somewhat less than enough light with the flashlight from my cell phone. Yesterday, my Eye-Care LED Desk Lamp showed up. I took it out of the box and it was already charged and ready for my use. It comes with two USB charging cords of different lengths. I set it on my work table and I can see so much better with it there that I was immediately inspired to work on my painting again. Then I started adjusting it all over the desktop as needed so it was all contorted but working so splendidly. I LOVE THIS LAMP! It's fantastic, it's flexible, it's portable, it's easy to use. All my thumbs up!

I received this product at a discount for my fair and honest review. And it is fabulous!